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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  September 11, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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about where facebook goes from here, and he has always been a fast talker but talking faster today, perhaps because he was trying to makeup for the four months of silence. there was no mea culpa about the ipo but he did reveal about facebook and what sit doing. >> there is a long-awaited event and a 25 minute interview with mark zuckerberg. he hasn't made public remarks since facebook went public nearly four months ago. with the price dropping over 50%, that was the first issue raised. >> this is been disappointing. and we acare about our shareholders, commitment that we're going to execute this commission of making the world more open and connected.
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and are going to do things we think goring to build value. >> and nearly one billion users shift from computers. >> there is what we're seeing already, with the early mobile ads is that they pefsh form better than right hand column he mentioned the possibility of a next generation search product. >> this is uniquely positioned to hans questions people have. like what sushi restaurants have my friends gone to in six months and liked? >> they welcome the break as he spoke at lightning speed. >> he spoke really fast and why do you think he was held back at this snoint. >> probably a lot of banting to let public markets make
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decisions and not influence until he was ready. >> i think it's remarkable that the community will makeup making things an open version of the devices of their technologies. >> and he said more products will be coming out in the next few months we'll have to see if this will soothe anxiety and restore confidence. shares did gain p% today. >> david, thank you. >> san francisco ethics commissioners have okayed wording in the decision finding ross mirkarimi guilty of misconduct but this is unclear when tlail send their summarry on to the board of supervisors for a vote in this situation. carolyn? >> you're right.
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there are 15 inches of documents the case transfers to the supervise qors. the target date was a week from today, next tuesday but now, that is up in the air. this meeting was expected to be a formality. the commissioners rubber stamping the decision they made last month. finding ross mirkarimi guilty of official misconduct and there is a another twist in this case, supervisor mirk ream gee asking there be a delay in forwarding documents to the supervisors because this is an election year, he wants a delay. >> there is evidence overwhelming how political this process has become and in order owe hope for a fair and just process, they should try to reduce politic autos the
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mayor says the charter has no pro vision to allow for a delay. >> we're just following the charter for someone to suggest that and there is some conspiracy. we're following and doing our best to adhere to requirements of the law people voted on. >> and in argue guping he points a poll conducted by antidomestic violence advocates last month. and this indicates 51% of the san franciscoins surveyed would likely vote against a supervisor who supports giving the suspended sheriff his job back. and there are supervisors aren't talking about the pressure. >> this is a counsel that is our legal counsel that is our advice and so we have to think about that. >> the chair is expected to decide and he says supervisors
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get documents in their hands, and they have 30 days to make a decision. nine out of the 11 votes are needed to remove mirkarimi from office. live in san francisco at city hall, abc 7 news. >> and governor brown signed lenl slaigs to go oof foreign trade skpin vestments. it's i sign of what a difference a decade makes. there is how this could boost the state economy. >> when make prog gres, folks. >> the governor signed legislation paving the way for california to reopen foirin trade offices, closed to save money. john perez carried a bile signing this legislation solidifies our commit tomt business and places california once again in international trade and investment arena.
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>> last year, the state generated $160 billion of exports. a 25% increase since 2009. and many say by reestablishing offices in places such as china, california can seal more deals and attract new investments. and there are high expectations. >> i hope that our commitments in china and state of california will be further expanding and make... california by far, largest exporter to china. >> legislation authorizes the state to form partnerships. the governor's office of business and economic development go biz will team up with nonprofits organizations. >> we're going raise funds privately to run this office so the state of california is not on the hook off any and they hoch to have the office
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open and this as leaders cheering efforts say it will benefit a broad case from high tech to agriculture. china developed a taste for some of the finer crop autos don't forget the wine from the area. >> if foreign offices play a role in growing this economy this, could be the toast of the valley. in redwood city, abc 7 news. and governor named a city councilman to head the state business office of development. and announced coend his bid and will serve out a templ and live in walnut creek when he starts in sacramento. and chuck read receiving a ticket for failure to use his
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turn signal. he received the ticket this morning when making a turn in a marked lane. his office tells abc news he hasn't decided whether to contest that ticket and says he's a cautious driver and this is his first ticket in decades. >> jean kw na. is trying to do all she can to keep teams in town this, morning targeting local businesses. abc 7 news caught caught wupt mayor and joins us now live from oakland. >> there is spirit week. she spent the day bouncing from business to business to fan the flames and remind each owner why it's important to keep teams in the city of oakland the mayor spent her morning encouraging business owners to hang these signs.
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but the conversation was owners could reveal if the love flows both ways. >> and we're talking i'm out for this. and not going get from me in that. >> the teams are asking for more. much more. oakland is the only city in the state with major league baseball, basketball and football teams but all three may split for the prom promis of new digs. the mayor is convinced keeping teams in oakland will move the city's balance sheet out of the red. >> there is our kmi, i think will continue to grow. >> and teams they say are good for the bottom line. bodies fill seats, people eat and over a hot site helps business thrive. >> people come here to meet others and talk to each other. local sports teams is a great way to do that. >> there is no public money left for stadium construction. the axe's and warriors are in
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ten on moving. with the promise of a new complex housing all three times, the raiders have made it clear they want to stay in oakland. and city leaders need to find to pay for it without leaning on taxpayers. >> what we're promising is that the general fund will never be put at risk. >> that will require possibly new bond measures requiring a long termt commitment. oakland and alameda county seeing $10 million every year on the bonds that brought raiders up from l.a. and there are fans for keeping the teams here are quit to highlight the sold out raiders game saying it's a demonstration of their commitment to the team and strong fan base. >> and still to come at 6:00
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update on the a's pitcher who landed in the hospital after this line drive to the head. and he's home now, trod turn to the mound. >> and what the new iphone won't have when it goes on sale, soon. it's apple versus google. >> there is language translation ads look cool, but can you trust them?
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severe thunderstorms battered las vegas today, rescuers repelled from a helicopter trying to reach
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drivers trapped in water, firefighters say there are no reports of anyone being swept away in this. and rain fell up to two inches per hour. national weather service issue aid flood warning. >> brandon mckashlgy is out of the hospital tonight and this is less than a wik after his skull was fractured. he was hit in the game in last wednesday's game, underwent two hours of surgery and made excellent progress and says he skpex expects to pitch again this season. he expressed how grateful is he to doctors, teammates and the fans. >> we're learning about some of the people who received organs from the patrol officer shot to death last week. a 29-year-old bay area mother got one of his kidneys and pancreas. a 52-year-old woman received another kidney. his liver to a 63-year-old woman ask a 50-year-old man,
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married with four children in southern california received his heart. he died when a driver he pulled over during a traffic stop last week opened fire and shot him in the head. >> the first human cases of west vile virus now being reported here in the bay area. ' man in his 50s being treated in a hospital where officials found 40 infected birds and a woman in central contra costa county has been infected and the illness described as mild. officials remind us it is preventible. and in santa clara county coroner tried to identify a woman who looks like this. murdered last month by a man with a sam rye -- sam you're eye sword. she went by the name of gail. she has never been arrested. you can call the santa clara county coroner if you recognize from the sketch. >> these two men escaped from
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jail in santa cruz county this morning. a 22-year-old and 29-year-old both are considered low-risk inmates. they walked from a facility in watsonville while on a break from a class that targets behavior of repeat he fender autos tomorrow, is the world likely says hell grow apple's newest iphone, users will have to say goodbye to some apps. and what this is all about. >> click on maps icon and you'll see evidence of something bigger. gone are the goog yep maps replaced with 3 d soft ware. saying apple didn't do this for fun. >> there is enough friction between apple and google. apple felt it had to map the world so that it won't be dependent. >> nornl competitor, samsung is getting the cold shoulder. the two enter a second lawsuit
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smrks blogs report unlike previous i've yonz the new one won't use samsung memory chip autos is apple making enemies? >> apple is not in the business to make friends they're in the business to make money. >> and the you tube app been there since the first iphone will disappear. but the word here at you tube headquarters is that it was a mutual decision so they can launch its own app on the app store. a lot of features android users had for years. >> lady gaga is available on the iphone, her videos were blocked for users because the iphone couldn't display video was commercial in front of them. >> there is tens of thousands of videos that were blocked. >> this shows video full screen while it's on the side. >> users on you tube have
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short attention span autos this is on the app store, you tube says it will launch in the next few months. >> there is a lot of anticipation. >> yes. >> and there is i'm for weather. >> there is a small, limited area of fog now but looks impressive from angles. check this out. this is our sutro camera, no. i beg your pardon on. and there is a not pushing far now but what is there looks impressive. there is another view there is a clear view of skies clear
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along the coastline from golden gate. thunderstorms row dusing a record amount of rainfall for this date. 1.18 inches of rain is a lot to fall. whit does, this is producing flooding which is what happened. you can see the cells sweeping through now. and there is temperatures into mid-80s and 69 up in santa rosa. it's cool right now. there is 60s here in san francisco. highlights, fog expanding and spreading overnight. mild to warm again, tomorrow, and warmer thursday, and friday and saturday. overnight lows into narrow range, low to mid 50s and there is upper 40s to low 50s there.
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and there is a development of an air mass that is going to contribute to the warm up we'll see into the week. notice how fog gets swept away, compressed and may have seen spotty patchy areas of fog. mainly sunny skies tomorrow and warm from coast to inland into the south bay. on the peninsula, highs into upper 70s and just above 80s. there is mid 60s in pacifica. 64 in the sunset district there are highs 74 in oakland. inland east bay, upper 80s to around 90s in fairfield there is 70s near the bay.
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sheert accu-weather forecast. mid-90s inland and mid to upper 50s on the coast. it's going to be nice on the coast at the end of the week. warmth into the weekend and a cool down sunday, monday and tuesday. this does remain warm. >> that is perfect. >> yes. >> ahead mother's milk bank providing breast milk for moms who can't make their own.
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up tate on an i tunes story about a teacher who slapped two students in the head and kept his job. dan noyes revealed the district refused to give police the name of a key witness who saw the teacher striking students. after seeing our report that witness has come forward. the district included he struck the 16-year-old and his parents hired a lawyer. >> there is a school district has to do an independent
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investigation and get to the bottom of this. >> and you'll hear what that witness told police tonight on abc news at 11:00. >> there is today's katie features a story highlighting preciousness of life. and she made national headlines in may after contracting a rare flesh eating disease when gashing her leg in a georgia river. doctors had to amputate each of her limbs. and asked about a difficult decision. >> was there a point where you said i can't do this? i'd rather die? >> no. no. i don't that, is never really an option to me. because i mean, i love life. it's a beautiful thing. >> and that is an amazing spirit. tomorrow, heidi klum joins katie for an interview following news of her pending
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divorce from seal. >> and abc 7 news continues here tonight wheel we'll be live from the castro district. there is a big slap over had flag. >> and there is a local woman lost her mother on september 11th saluting people who sacrifice their lives 11 years ago. >> and after decades of more, roots of peace begin to spread throughout afghanistan. and a story you'll see only on abc 7 news.
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president obama requested government agencies fly the american flag at half mast today to honor those killed in the september 11th attacks. but should that apply to other high profile flags as well? in san francisco, some in the castro district are accusing local merchants of being disrespectful because their flag has not been lowered. mark? >> this is not an american nag,
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the flag in question is a big rainbow flag over the corner of castro and market. this community activist is calling it a disgrace. >> i think it's disrespectful the president made to honor all killed. >> they're taking on the merchant association owning and controls the flag and he didn't want to talk on camera but has been blogging for years this, team, -- time saying the request wasn't submitted early enough. >> it doesn't explain the other problems we've had in honor of international days. >> and there is another board member at hot cookie not available. a third told me it's on the web site, reading consistent
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with the principles established by flag creator asks broad community support the flag flies almost always at full staff with very rare exceptions. last year on the 10th anniversary of the september 11th attacks, the flag was lowered. this year it was not. >> i'm glad you called may tension to it. >> he noticed he hadn't noticed and others were more adammant about not lowering it. >> if we let people control up ask down of the flag it would be up ask down every other day. it's a crazy notion it should do go down. >> most didn't care. >> and think it matters, it's just a flag it doesn't matter to me. i'm not a flag waver. >> and i think it's important
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to note that the president request was for government agencies and offices to display stars and stripes and some in san francisco did fly their flags at half staff, some did not. >> thank you. >> and here is what people around the bay area does to mark this day. in union city, relatives and friends gathered and the marine core veteran created the monument. and she reach yates efforts. >> i'm thankful for michael to put this memorial together here. it's a place for local california rez don'ts pay respects. >> today also included a
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reading of the names of the passengers and crew. in san francisco, firefighters at 43 stations paused to remember the 343 first responder who's died trying to save people in the burning towers. names of each was read aloud. and the mayor attended the ceremony at station 7 with 53 new cadet autos and here is how this day is being observed around the country. now, skyline of new york city is bathed in twin beams. and the that is a new world trade center building that is lit up in red, white and blue. >> the names were read today at the mem wril that opened
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last year this, year there were no officials on hand, only families were allowed to speak. >> the president and first lady joined the dpeens secretary for a moment of silence today and another one of the targets 11 years ago. they later advise yied arlington national cemetery, whom died are now buried. >> there is a country where many terrorists trained is slowly recovering from decades of war. a player is the nonprofit roots of peace. cheryl jennings is here now with impact that group made. >> this is amazing and the local nonprofit called roots of space based in san rafael. and i've been reporting on
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this work ever since this was a small operation. roots of space now a major part of the transition in afghanistan. and ill tear forces begin to withdraw. focus turning to agriculture. you're looking at clusters of grapes look like they're grown in lush napa valley. >> these grapes being grown in afghanistan by farmers working with the nonprofit from the san francisco bay area called roots of peace. this is showing a farmer that doubled his income thanks to roots of peace. >> what they're creating is economics of peace. >> they are gearing up to expand the program from a million farmers and families to millions in all 34 afghan provences thanks to a partnership with u.s. agency for international development. and there is part of a new
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strategy as troops withdraw. >> this is a reason that usaid has such a program in afghanistan. is to help afghans stand on their feet and resist influences that let that country down a bad path. >> how will this work? lub teaching thousand run the same type of programs at roots of peace? >> pretty much. >> i talked with the executive director and this is a new contract with u.s. aid and the afghan government. >> they're trying to empower the government here to do the work that organizations and military have been doing. >> i saw the work in 2005. they raise money to remove land mines from war and then, teaching parmers new science and technology. >> there are efforts now under
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way is designed to help ordinary farmers increase income they get from agriculture. >> what we're doing is providing markets to india, pakistan, and dubai. so the afghan farmers are able to reap a harvest of hope. >> and there is u.s. davis working with roots of peace. can and they will be working with and we have a link to their web site. >> just amazing changes that have taken place there. >> there is a mother and father risking their lives every day. >> terrific story. >> coming up, smart phone apps translate your words into a foreign language. >> do they wrk?
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find out, next.
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there are a class of apps this really exploded. >> and there are a couple of biggest sellers and you'll be doing this in english. >> and and. >> getting to you get around in a country where you don't
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speak the language. >> i'm trying out an app. see the sign? breakfast, lunch. now look through word link. this is a translator turning writin word from one language into another. let's try again. soft pretzel. >> that is pretty cool. i didn't foe they had those. >> there is the mod you'll i try around this gets a big reaction. >> no way. >> and this is cool. >> run. >> cool, yes. and is it accurate? >> this is the san francisco school called french class. using word lengths on the cover of the book and asking the director of the school here to check it out.
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>> there is the book. this is the translation. you can make out words, here i gus this -- use the app. i freeze it. there is a another huge app translating as birds will die in peru. dominique is fine with that. here i left the i translate voice the title. >> the birds will die in in peru. >> excellent. >> good? >> very good. >> very good. >> that is perfect. >> that is what boy say. >> of course.
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>> this costs $1.99 if you want it ad-free and the lens is free, but each language costs $4.99. and i contacted both of the app makers but i haven't heard back. if there is an app you'd like to try, tell me about it the first was remarkable. >> yes. this is amazing technology. >> and this is work. >> good idea. >> and coming up, growing demand at the mothers milk bank. find out how you might be able to help. stay with us. [ male announcer ] the magic of nature appears every day,
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within each strand of an oat's rhythmical sway. when an apple's vibrant red temptation, and honey's sweet touch of golden sensation, join together with a pecan crunch you'll savor, creating the most perfect lesson in flavor. ♪ nature's best-written recipe is ready for you to enjoy. nature valley, nature at its most delicious. now try our new crunchy dark chocolate peanut butter bar.
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a program helping some of the smallest infants in the bay area is asking for help tonight. it donates breast milk for mother who's cannot produce their own. coolers at the milk bank sit, waiting to be filled but
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inside... there is plenty of room to spare. >> this milk has come in from donors but this is low. >> she says donations have remained steady but the program is a victim of its own success. >> demand for human milk has gone just very high. we're just being, getting calls every day for more hospital who's want mill ook they include advanced neweral inadvanced care units or nicus. here, doctors treat babies who weights are just a fraction of a full term infant. this lactation specialist says they began adding the milk about six months ago. >> the babies really most at risk for getting serious inspections -- infection autos when dominique isn't watching
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over her son, she pushes mill skpk says she'd be willing to donate for mother that's can't produce enough. >> it's definitely you know... a very good feeling to be able to help other mother who's can't produce milk. >> the demand for donated milk has risen from one and a half million ounces to two million ounces last year and innocenters like in san jose, they process the milk. volunteers are asked to provide information and take a free blood test. and if everything is normal, we call them. >> we say yes. we need your milk. >> and holly is hoping it will bridge the short fall before the end of the year. >> we need to make sure everybody understands who we are and what we do. >> and if you're a nursing mother interested in donating
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breast milk just go to abc 7 and click on see it on tv. >> time for one last check of the forecast. there is a time lapse view looking west this afternoon, you can see there is fog rolling in from the coast. and there is what we're looking at tomorrow. there are sunny skies, warm conditions and 101 down in palm springs and 67 big sur. warm weather around the state and there is sunny skies again for coast to inland will be mild on the coast there are upper 80s to 90s inland. here is the accu-weather forecast. there is mid-90s inland and there is mid to upper 60s on
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the coast. and there are temperatures moderating. still remains warm. >> terrific, thank you. >> and don't forget there is a new line up here on abc 7. starts at 1:00 with general hospital. who wants to be a millionaire on at 2:00 followed by "jeopardy" then katie, then abc 7 news at 4:00. >> and it's the day after for the raiders following their disappointing debut on monday night football. >> what two biggest stars have to say about a disappointing hose and another injury as well. 4xaw@$k
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join me tonight at 9:00, coming up this, man is a convicked tax cheat serving two years for fraud so why is the government now paying him $100 million? >> and there is new video of a fire just released. what these images are telling investigators tonight. >> this is coming up at 9:00 and 11:00. >> and there is raiders looked terrible in the game ask lose a better receiver.
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>> right. we agree their defense didn't look that bad. but there is a struggle on offense. and there is some work to be done. they got the news today and they will undergo surgery and miss time. you can't be a one trick pony in the nfl. raiders seem to be just that. he ran unsuccessfully 15 times for only 32 yards, there is 13 catches for 86 yards. and raiders have got to spread the ball around and find a way to stretch the field. >> this is just returning and running for hels. there are linebackers underneath safety stayed deep and there is a good job. >> there is some and we're
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ready to go for more work. >> there is stanford getting a taste hosting usc. both teams are 2-0. and one of the many reasons for their success is the perhaps explosive pair of wide receivers in the nation with 37 catches between theme. and there is never seen two guys this good on one team before. and there is you might play a entire career and never see guys like these two guys so it's about understanding on every plaichl you can't take a misstep. >> and it will be a big saturday of college football and abc. cal, the first game at 9:00 a.m. z afterwards, penn state hosting navy. and there is after the game
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will follow and hockey led to a bartering agreement expires saturday nhl will resume negotiations tomorrow, they have not met since friday. sharks players back in the bay area ready to start training camp. and there is annual sharks foundation golf classic. and he's ready to put down the clubs and pick up the hockey sticks. >> i hope there and and i'm ready to play. i'm just expecting to play. and there is process is going to start the 2 is. that is a mind set. so you know, this is something hammered. >> if you missed it brandon mccarthy has been release frtd hospital less than a week after getting hit in the head by a line drive. he said he plans to return and once he returns to full
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strength. and in colorado rockies singles to right. there is a score to first. rockets up now 4-1 in the 4th. we'll have highlights of that game for you tonight at 11:00 and i hope this gets resolved. three days and there is an answer. >> i think they're going to be playing golf a while. >> yes. >> and i think a lot of people are ready to see hockey get going. >> that is it for this edition of abc news. >> and from all of us here at bc 7 have a good night. captioned by closed captioning services, inc.
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from washington, d.c., this is power players week on "jeopardy!" please welcome our celebrity guests-- the winner of emmy, peabody, dupont, and loeb awards, he's a co-anchor of cnbc's "squawk on the street." from "the faber report," here's... white house press secretary under george w. bush, she now appears as a regular co-host of fox news' hit political discussion show "the five." please welcome...


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